Lora Lewis ​College and Educational Consulting

Students With Learning Differences & Unique Needs

Every student has unique needs and goals when it comes to the college experience. For those with learning differences or with ongoing mental or physical health challenges, however, special planning is often needed to be sure they land at a college where they will receive the appropriate support and resources to be able to grow and thrive. 

I work with students of all backgrounds and who have a diverse variety of needs, including ADD/ADHD, learning differences (diagnosed or undiagnosed), physical health challenges, depression/mental health challenges,  substance abuse issues, and those on the autism spectrum. I also support kids who are planning for college following stays in residential treatment or therapeutic boarding school settings. 

I have many years of experience working with kids who have special learning needs in non-profits agencies, public schools, and my own practice. As a result, I have developed a supportive, highly personalized approach to college counseling that empowers students to find and attend a college that matches their needs and maximizes opportunities for success. 

My students with learning differences or unique needs receive all the services of my regular college counseling packages, with the possible additions of: 

  • Assessment to determine the college atmosphere and accommodations that are necessary for academic and social success
  • Liaising with student's other service providers, such as teachers, therapists, physicians or coaches to develop a well-informed, comprehensive support team
  • Identifying colleges that offer the appropriate level of academic and personal support services
  • Suggestions for "transition" or pre-college summer programs that facilitate the development of skills necessary for college success
  • Guidance in understanding the supports you are entitled to and those that are available, and in developing a plan to access those services
  • Connections with academic support providers, executive functioning coaches, therapists or medical professionals near your chosen college.

I have a strong knowledge of colleges that serve students with special needs and an understanding of the types and levels of support they provide.

Connect with me to learn how I can help you find the right match that will make your college experience happy, productive, and empowering.